TriFest: Date set for return of popular Riverside festival

trifest19 general view 2 ben quextalExpect craft stalls, food, community groups, a dog show, a craft beer tent and some great local music as community festival TriFest makes a return this summer.



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It's scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 27, from 12 pm to 7 pm.

The return of TriFest comes as welcome news for local residents who missed out on the festivities last year. In 2023, poor weather forced organisers to call off the event, disappointing many who were eager to gather at Riverside Park for a day of picnics, games, conversations and live music.

Those wanting a stall, to perform, or volunteer on the day are being invited to make contact with organisers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More details are on the TriFest website.

Meanwhile, while free to attend, TriFest is hoping for donations especially because of costs incurred last year despite its cancellation: you can donate here.

As reported last year, TriFest secured the right to continue using the festival name following agreement with the Triumph Owners’ Motor Cycle Club C.I.C., who own the trademark.

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