Approval sought for cruise parking at St Denys Road site

cruise azure st denys rd from over street 1 5 24 600pxA retrospective planning application has been lodged with the city council to use the former Church Garage car showroom on St Denys Road as parking for cruise passengers.



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Parking operations, advertised by signage appearing in May, began on March 28 according to planning documents..

Cruise Azure says on its website it offers a park and ride and premium meet and greet services.

Prior to use for car parking, it’s thought the site had not been in use for around five years. Two planning applications to build flats on the site had been rejected, however.

The last was to build 35 flats across two blocks, which was rejected in 2022. This was a resubmission of a proposal for 48 flats, which was thrown out in 2021.

The current planning application is for 64 cars, but “no changes [are] proposed to the site whatsoever”.

The application is open for comment until July 5 on Southampton City Council’s planning portal.

• The Local Democracy Reporting Service reported earlier this month that Southampton's Leisure World site will continue to be used as a car park for cruise passengers for two years. It can accommodate 1,493 cars.

Parking for cruise passengers set for St Denys Road


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