Bluestar has said that its service 20 buses that run into Southampton from Bitterne Park will be turning right from St Catherine’s Road down the lower section of Bond Road from September.
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The hope is that journey times can be improved.
Buses currently turn right onto Cobden Avenue
The bus company confirmed that the move is also to avoid the tricky right turn from St Catherine’s Road onto the invariably busy Cobden Avenue – although it will now involve a left turn onto Manor Farm Road at the bottom of Bond.
'Cobden Avenue' bus stop
It will also mean the final stop on St Catherine’s, which is said to serve as a 'gateway' to the nearby Bitterne Park Medical Centre on Thorold Road for some, will no longer be served.
Bluestar general manager Richard Tyldsley said: “There will be a route change in the Bitterne Park Triangle area, towards Southampton. Cobden Avenue (the stop at the bottom of St Catherine's Road) will no longer be served as buses will now turn right into Bond Road then left into Manor Farm Road.
Bond Road, as seen from Manor Farm Road
“We have tested the new route, and our drivers are happy. The reason for the change is to avoid a hazardous junction and congestion, which we hope will speed up journey times onto Cobden Bridge.”
The zebra crossing near Bond Road
Some commentating on the move online have noted that the bottom stretch of Bond Road is very narrow with cars often parked on both sides, and involves a sharp left turn at the bottom onto Manor Farm Road - right on the approach to the zebra crossing.