Riots: message from Southampton police

Superintendent Steve France-Sargeant has written to city community organisations, residents and businesses about speculation that rioting could be replicated in Southampton.


He said: “There is much concern and speculation that the rioting seen in London may be replicated in Southampton however the vast majority of this is simply exaggeration of individuals’ irresponsible and mischievous comments on social network sites which are simply untrue.

“There is no information to suggest that any of these comments are true and indeed while we monitor the sites closely we are seeing more and more of the community from all ages and backgrounds denouncing those irresponsible comments and calling for support for the community and the police and partner agencies.

“Those who are publishing irresponsible messages encouraging violence should expect a visit from the police. Those who are actively trying to cause disorder in our city will be arrested and face the legal consequences of such a serious act.

“Yes we have put in place extra patrols where we can and we will be challenging behaviour that is unlawful or suspicious but this is business as usual for police in your city.

“We would ask parents also to help us keep the communities safe by making sure you know what your children are doing online. Please be vigilant help us to put an end to this.

“If you are a resident or a business user of Southampton you need to be vigilant and aware but not unduly frightened. We cannot allow issues in London to affect our quality of life and we cannot allow irresponsible mischief-makers to ruin our standard of living.

“I hope we all agree that we should stand together in not allowing our city to be vandalised, our businesses and employees to be financially damaged and the reputation of Southampton to be unduly soiled by individuals who simply want an excuse to damage and steal.

“Thank you again for your continued support in Southampton. We will as a community pull through this and be stronger for it.”

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