Council considers reverting some 20mph city roads to 30mph

By Jason Lewis, Local Democracy Reporter

Hill Lane nr Burgess Rd may revert from 20 30 LDRSSections of some roads in Southampton could be returning to 30mph just 15 months after a 20mph speed limit came into force.

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The city council has launched a consultation on the proposals for routes in Shirley and Freemantle.

In May, Labour leader Cllr Lorna Fielker said the local authority intended to revert the limit back to 30mph in both Hill Lane and Shirley Road.

Later that month cabinet member for environment and transport Cllr Eamonn Keogh said these were the only two roads that were being considered at the time.

Hill Lane nr Burgess Rd may revert from 20 30 LDRSThe section of Hill Lane in Southampton near Burgess Road which is set to go from a 20mph to 30mph speed limit. Photo: LDRS

Now the council has released its proposals for sections of four roads after it published a traffic order consultation, which is open until January 3.

The plans are for the 20mph limit to go back to 30mph in:

  • Hill Lane between its junctions with Burgess Road and Bellemoor Road
  • Romsey Road between its junctions with Tebourba Way/Winchester Road and Anglesea Road
  • Shirley Road between its junctions with Millbrook Road East and Howard Road
  • Paynes Road (slip road to the westbound carriageway of Millbrook Road West) from its junction with Waterloo Road to its junction with Millbrook Road West

The changes would mean some sections of road, such as the high street in Shirley, will still be 20mph with 30mph zones at either end.

A statement of reasons published with the consultation said: “Following a post-implementation review of the area wide 20mph speed limit introduced in Shirley and Freemantle in September 2023, a consultation is being carried out to assess whether some sections of road should be returned to 30mph.”

While some 20mph speed limits could be disappearing, in August Cllr Keogh said the local authority was “evaluating” the introduction of a new 20mph zone in the city centre.

Existing 20mph limits in the city centre include at Old Town, Hanover Buildings, Pound Tree Road, Vincent’s Walk, Above Bar, Northam Road and St Mary’s Street.

This update came as the then transport secretary Louise Haigh MP backed councils to make decisions on 20mph speed limits, adding that road calming and safety schemes should be left for communities rather than central government.

Liberal Democrat councillor Sam Chapman has previously pressed the Labour administration on why roads in the Bassett ward he represents were still waiting for 20mph limits to be introduced.

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SCC: Consultation
SCC: 20mph Residents’ Requests

Consultations to take place on proposed 20mph schemes - 2022
Residents launch petition for 20mph zone on Manor Farm Road - 2021

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