Bitterne Park Growing Places, a group which encourages Bitterne Parkers to grow and share their own food, is looking for a new volunteer coordinator.
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The current postholder is standing down after a four-year stint.
Responsibilities include organising committee meetings, managing emails and the Facebook group, maintaining records, contributing to funding bids, and writing updates, according to the volunteer job ad.
Ideal candidates will possess strong organisational and communication skills, be familiar with Facebook and Gmail, and have an interest in sustainable food growing.
The role requires 1–2 hours weekly (with more time needed near events) from January to July. Peak responsibilities include organising an annual seed swap, a seed and plant trail, and a stall at TriFest.
Audio: Growing Places puts 'huge smiles on faces' - interviews about the seed and plant trail from 2021
Photo: Bitterne Park Growing Places