Gas works set for busy Woodmill Lane junction while Triangle concerns continue


gas work sign woomill lane photo lee churchill 600px“Essential gas works” will mean multi-way traffic signals near the mini roundabouts at the bottom of Woodmill Lane, scheduled to start from Monday (Jan 20). 



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According to SGN signage at the scene, the work is due to run for two weeks.

This is confirmed by a listing on traffic disruption mapping service

gas work sign woomill lane photo lee churchill 600pxPhoto: Lee Churchill

“Adding road works to an already horrendous road is ridiculous,” said resident Lee Churchill. “...What used to be a 15 minute drive a couple of years ago now turns into an hour + just one way, unless you leave at silly o clock.”

He added that he thought the “three in three out” system on Woodmill Bridge worked more effectively than the newer ‘temporary’ traffic lights.

 Elsewhere in the area, gas distribution company SGN is also on the scene dealing with gas issues at the Triangle. Multiple small areas on the pavement right outside shops on the east side of Manor Farm Road have been in place for some time, with a larger work area located nearby on the road itself.

gas works drilling manor farmr d 14 1 25 Drilling in Manor Farm Road on Tuesday (Jan 14)

Gas supply issues have affected Triangle businesses in the recent past, causing what was the Dhamaka Indian restaurant problems in 2023. In the same year SOCA Shack suffered opening delays partly due to a long wait to be hooked up to the network.

Whether the current Triangle gas works are in any way ‘connected’ to this previous work is unknown – as is the likely end date.

Work did seem to be proceeding on Manor Farm Road this morning (Tues, Jan 14), with a team drilling in the road.

Update: 16/1/25 It's understood work is expected to conclude at the Triangle over the next couple of days

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