New traffic camera destroyed within hours

Northam Bridge camera damaged 1 HIWCPolice are appealing for witnesses and footage after a new speed camera on Northam Bridge was vandalised and cut down shortly after being installed.



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The BBC reported that the camera on the bridge was “hacked down hours after being installed” and "found shattered on the ground".

It had been positioned between the two carriageways “to capture two-way traffic across all lanes”, it was reported, and record drivers going through red lights as well as speeding.

Northam Bridge camera damaged 1 HIWCPhoto: Hants & IOW Constabulary

The BBC initially reported that it used artificial intelligence, but this was later corrected, and police also said the device didn't use AI and wasn't anything to do with any Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) scheme.

The destruction took place between 3.30pm on Tuesday (Jan 14) and 7.30am on Wednesday (Jan 15), said officers..

Police Sergeant Jamie Dobson, of the Roads Policing Unit, said: "Speeding is one of the 'Fatal Four' most common causes of fatal and serious injury collisions on our roads.

"Speed cameras like these act as a deterrent to would-be speeders and are vital in helping us ensure the safety of all motorists.

"It is extremely concerning that anyone would take it upon themselves to vandalise these cameras.

"We are aware of speculation that these cameras also monitored other offences including mobile phone use and not wearing seatbelts. We have also seen reports that these cameras were using AI software or that they were ULEZ cameras monitoring emissions.

"None of this is true. These cameras are purely for monitoring speed and red traffic light offences so we can identify motorists who neglect the laws of the road which are imposed to keep us all safe."

northam bridge camera damaged 2 portrait HIWC Photo: Hants & IOW Constabulary

The news of the destruction received a mixed reaction: in online discussions many commenters praised the removal of the cameras, while others condemned the support for criminal activity shown by some..

As reported, in October a petition was launched following a crash a short distance further towards Bitterne on Bitterne Road West, calling for action over “dangerous speeding on our 30mph road”. The petition listed five other examples of crashes and speeding on the road since 2017.

Anyone with information about the felling of the new camera is asked by police to call 101 quoting reference 44250020367. You can also call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or report via their website.

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