Chance to connect at Bitterne Station Community Hub open day

bitterne station new building april 23 600px 20230430 111435Bitterne Station’s Community Hub is opening its doors for a special event, inviting locals to connect, learn, and get involved.


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Visitors can explore the recently refurbished station, including garden beds, planters, a plant swap shelf, and the 'little library' at an upcoming open day.

The event features a jumble sale, chats with volunteers, and information on station projects and volunteering opportunities.

Jill from Wilder Southampton will share insights into transforming green spaces for nature, including the station’s surroundings. The Art House community pantry will provide pay-as-you-feel snacks, soups, and surplus food.

Proceeds from the jumble sale will fund garden improvements, including compost and a new water butt. The open day also marks the first local event supporting 'Railway 200', celebrating 200 years of rail.

It all takes place at Bitterne Station on Saturday, January 25 from 11am-2pm.

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