104-year-old Doris says positive attitude is the key to a long life

Speedwell Court 104 year old residen 600px ALSDoris Hayward celebrated her 104th birthday with a party, surrounded by friends and family, at her home in Speedwell Court care home for older people, on Mansbridge Road near Haskins.


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Asked in advance how she would like to mark her special day, the home went to extra effort to fulfil Doris’ wish for an afternoon cream tea, a pianist for entertainment, and a delicious jam and fresh cream sponge birthday cake.

Speedwell Court 104 year old residen 600px ALS Doris Hayward celebrates Photo: ALS

Justine Owen, customer relations manager, oversaw the celebrations.

She said: “I think she was a little surprised by all the fuss she received, but as you can see from the photos, she is all smiles.”

This is typical of Doris, who always maintains a positive attitude. Born in 1921, she attributes her long life to two simple rules – “take your pills and keep on smiling!”

Doris’ friend, Fay Wicks, spent time producing a beautiful handmade card, which was signed by all the residents at Speedwell Court and presented to her at the party.

Speedwell Court provides both residential and dementia-friendly care and is managed by Abbeyfield Living Society (ALS), which runs a network of independent living complexes, sheltered housing schemes and care homes for older people across the country. ALS says it gives its residents as much choice and independence as possible in determining how they live their lives, within a safe and secure environment built upon values of companionship and community.

Speedwell Court 104 year old resident 600px ALS Photo: ALS

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