City considers axing free parking at 17 suburban sites

By Jason Lewis, Local Democracy Reporter

westridge roadFree car parking could be scrapped at 17 sites in Southampton districts, including Bitterne and Portswood council car parks, despite 2,000 objections.



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Currently, various Southampton City Council car parks in the Bitterne, Portswood, Shirley and Woolston district centres offer free parking for up to two hours.

The local authority’s Labour cabinet is being asked to approve plans for changes to the tariffs and charging hours at these locations.

Various reasons have been given for the alterations, including to encourage drivers to consider alternative forms of transport, to more effectively manage parking demand and to cover the costs of operating and maintaining the sites.

On the finances, a report published ahead of the cabinet meeting on Tuesday, January 28, said: “The purpose of the existing tariff approach for suburban car parks has been to provide a competitive parking environment when compared to the city centre and other regional retail centres.

“However, the suburban car parks generate relatively low revenue.

“All car parks have costs, which include maintenance, operating costs of pay and display machines and annual business rates.

“The revenue currently generated by the suburban car parks is not covering the cost of their operation.”

The current rates for nine of the car parks are free for up to two hours, 50 pence for three hours, £1 for four hours, £2 for five hours and £5.60 for over five hours, with charges applying Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm.

The other eight sites have a free two-hour limited waiting restriction covering the same times of day.

Under the proposals, 11 car parks will offer up to one hour for 50 pence, two hours for £1, three hours for £1.50, four hours for £2.50, five hours for £4 and all day £6.

Bright Glade in Shirley, Commercial Street and West End Road in Bitterne, and both Woodley Road car parks in Woolston will have a maximum stay of two hours charged at the same rate.

Whites Road in Bitterne will offer one-hour and two-hour options at the same price, but an all-day ticket will cost £4 due to low demand.

Charges would apply every day from 8am to 8pm.

The existing suburban business parking permit, which costs £250 a year, would be replaced by a new suburban car park season ticket available to all drivers at a charge of £650 a year and £340 for six months.

The report said the 17 car parks had an operating loss of £54,000 based on 2022/23 figures.

There is a projected income increase of £560,000 a year from 2025/26 if the proposals are implemented.

A public consultation carried out from November 29 to December 20 last year received 2,072 responses, with 2,001 of these being objections.

“It is the officer’s view that no objections have been raised that constitute any material overriding consideration to the underlying principle of proposals,” the report said.

“However, officers have recommended a number of minor amendments to the proposals in response to the consultation.”

A number of responses related to some of the car parks being used as park and stride facilities by parents dropping off and collecting children to and from schools.

The cabinet recommendations include developing proposals for a permit that can be used for short periods in car parks in close proximity to schools at set times.

Following concerns from community groups, the new proposed charging time was amended to 8am to 8pm every day having been 8am to midnight in the consultation.

If approved, officers will monitor and review the parking demand and footfall at the district centres from April to September to assess whether the changes have a “discernible” impact on trip numbers.

Any findings will be reviewed and could lead to further alterations in the future.

The car parks covered by the proposals are:

  • Bitterne: Angel Crescent, Commercial Street, Lances Hill, Peartree Gardens, West End Road and Whites Road.
  • Portswood: Westridge Road, where charges for stays over two hours were introduced in 2018.
  • Shirley: Bright Glade, Cannon Street, Howards Grove, Marlborough Road North and Marlborough Road South.
  • Woolston: Colonnade, Oakbank Road, Portsmouth Road, Woodley Road North, Woodley Road, South.

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