Successful Bitterne Station open day celebrates community involvement

bitterne hub open day jumble sale 600px20250125 112220Organisers were pleased with the turnout on Saturday (Jan 25) for a Bitterne Station Community Hub open day.



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As well as a jumble sale, there was information about the refurbished ticket office - now ‘adopted’ by the Friends of Bitterne Station and used for community events - and the history of the station.

Visitors also had the opportunity to chat with volunteers who maintain the garden and the areas around the car park.

Friends of Bitterne Station volunteer Ziggy said the event went “swimmingly”.

urban sketchers 600px 20250125 111442 Urban sketchers

Ziggy thanked around 20 urban sketchers for their wonderful artwork drawing views of the station and the event, and for “creating such a buzz”. They also thanked the crew at Bunker 178 community pantry – a mobile offshoot of The Art House, for “keeping everyone fed and watered”.

“And thank you to everyone else who turned up and helped support the event. We made a nice little sum for the community pantry, and that’ll keep that running, and [money] made on the jumble sale will be ploughed back in [to the station project]”

The station friends are on the lookout for volunteers for helping run the community project, and in a few months also garden work around the station. More information and contact details are on their web page.

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