Free parking scrapped as council confirms new district car park charges

SCC parking sign GP 600px 20180315 114237Southampton City Council has now approved plans to introduce parking charges at 17 district centre car parks, including Bitterne and Portswood.


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The 17 district centre car parks which serve the Bitterne, Portswood, Shirley and Woolston District Centres will have the free 2-hour parking period removed, and the charging period extended from Monday to Saturday 8am - 6pm to Monday to Sunday 8am – 8pm. An amended tariff will also take effect.

Charges at all will now be 50p for one hour, £1 for two hours, £1.50 for three, £2.50 for four, £4 for five and £6 for 12 hours. Some car parks will have a maximum stay of two hours.

The following table published by SCC gives further details:

 car parking charges SCC Image: SCC

The council says a bench marking exercise was carried out to review similar retail areas across the region, both within large urban areas and smaller towns and districts. It says based on this exercise, the tariffs have been kept at a competitive rate in line with the city centre and other local towns.

The council consulted on new parking tariffs for the district centre car parks last year.

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