Chance to plant a tree at Riverside

riverside park sun through trees with runner 600Following the successful bid by the Friends of Riverside Park (FORP) to the Woodland Trust for a pack of 30 native trees to plant in the park, the group is now on the lookout for volunteers to assist with planting.



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As we noted in December, FORP and partner groups applied to the Woodland Trust, which offers free trees for schools and communities so “everybody in the UK has the chance to plant a tree”.

FORP’s Paul Jenks previously said: “The idea is to increase tree canopy, which is good for birds and insects, and also to increase biodiversity with native trees.”

The group has now been given a delivery date and, with the support of the Park Rangers, will be planting the whips at 11am on Saturday, March 22.

Paul said: “We will be about 200m south east of the Woodmill sluice on the path near the river leading towards Cobden Bridge. What3words location: Buck.Sport.Invest.

“It would be great if some of you could join us to help plant them.  the trees are small whips so we only need to dig small holes and we will have someone to explain what to do.  Just yourselves is enough, but if you have a small spade that you could bring along that would be great.  To help us plan please let me know if you can come along.  Hopefully, it will be dry but the planting will go ahead even if it's wet.”

Email Paul Jenks if you’d like to join in with the planting.

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