Boomtown festival keeps licence

By Noni Needs, Local Democracy Reporter

festival 600px maxime bhm 9ZnGWdsqNZ4 unsplashA large, popular Winchester festival has survived a crunch review despite a backlash from residents. 



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The Winchester City Council licensing committee decided not to change the premises licence for alcohol and music for the Boomtown event that will run on August 6 to 10.

The review of the five-day festival’s license was triggered by Hampshire Constabulary applying to look at the running of the event after the death of a 22-year-old man last year.

The police withdrew their complaint at the last minute before the sub-committee meeting and are in ongoing talks with the Boomtown organisers to resolve its concerns for this year’s event, the committee heard on January 30.

The licensing sub-committee sat to hear 17 complaints and objections from local residents about the Boomtown festival at Matterley Bowl, Alresford Road, Winchester.

Objections raised ranged from residents’ lack of sleep during the event to concerns on the impact on local red listed bird populations.

Despite the objections the licence was not changed.
Bands performing this year include Maribou State, Sex Pistols, Sean Paul, Overmono, The Mary Wallopers, Rudimental, James HYPE, Boney M., Girls Don’t Sync, Honey Dijon and DJ Craig Charles.

Photo by Maxime Bhm on Unsplash

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