Police hunt St Denys conmen

An elderly brother and sister from Adelaide Road, St Denys have been conned out of £2500.

Two men called at their house claiming to work for a company contracted to the water board, and said urgent repairs were needed to their drains.

The 82-year-od man parted with a £500 deposit. The next day he was convinced to pay a further £2000 for the work.

The victims were given a receipt which was said to be from a company called ‘Guarantee’, although the details proved to be false.

Officers are now appealing for any information about the men who were driving a small white van, possibly a ford: one was aged about 25, about 5ft 3 inches tall and of slight build. He had short black curly hair and a ‘long face’. He was wearing a high visibility jacket and navy trousers. The other was about 50, 5ft 9 inches tall and of stocky build. He had a round red face. His hair was short and brown/greying. He was wearing a navy fleece jacket.

Officers would also like to hear form anyone else who thinks they may have been called upon by the men, and are warning residents not to let people inside their houses unless they know them, or have seen ID from a genuine company. They suggest calling companies to check on callers too.

Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Constable Rob Dawson at Bitterne CID on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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