Late results: Saints win FA cup

Saints FA Cup Tour Cobden BridgePictured is Saints’ tour of the town arriving at Bitterne Park with the FA Cup in 1976, when the second division team beat first division Manchester United 1-0. “Everyone was there and all in good spirits and no troubles throughout,” says Bill Pidgeon, who kindly let us reproduce his photos, shot with 35mm slide film.
© Images copyright Bill Pidgeon.


Saints FA Cup Tour Cobden Bridge

Saints FA Cup Tour Bitterne Park Triangle

Bobby Stokes scored the winning goal, and the following players made up the team:

Ian Turner in Goal

Peter Rodrigues - Right Back

David Peach - Left Back

Mel Blyth - Centre Back

Jim Steel – Centre Back

Nic Holmes - Mid Field

Paul Gilcrest - Mid Field

Jim McCalliog - Mid Field

Mick Channon - Forward

Peter Osgood - Forward

Bobby Stokes - Mid Field

Hugh Fisher - Substitute

There's more about the match on Wikipedia


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