Meet your Bitterne Park election candidates

polling station sign
Election day: Thursday, May 3
Unusually in Bitterne Park ward we have ten candidates standing for two Bitterne Park city council seats in the May 3 local election, so you get to vote for two candidates. We offered them all the same chance to put information in front of electors, by contributing up to 400 words, a pic and a link to more info. So here are your voting choices (unedited & in alphabetical order). If you live in St Denys watch our sister site for more about elections in your ward, which is Portswood.


A by-election following the resignation of Tory Phil Williams means a second seat is up for grabs at these elections, so the candidate with the second largest number of votes will be up for re-election in 2014 when Williams’ term would have ended.

Here are the candidates standing, with any information they supplied.


Charles CaplinCAPLEN, Charles - Independent

Southampton for residents

Long-term local resident and ex-Army Officer, strong believer in local issues and the right for residents to have a say in the decisions that affect them.


Bitterne Park Ward

“We can all help make things better, together”


Local Issues.

1.     Traffic lights at Woodmill, road and area maintenance

2.     Protection for Riverside Park from Council development

3.     Safety in your own home; regular Police and PCSO patrols

4.     Litter, anti-social behaviour and school crossings

City Issues.

1.     Council Tax freeze and negotiation with staff, not dictation

2.     Protection of Council services with no compulsory redundancies

3.     Sustainable development - recycling, green spaces, end garden-grabbing

4.     Councillors that listen to their constituents and act upon their concerns

5.     A full economic plan for Southampton, the City Centre, local business and the Docks



We all know that the party political system has delivered little but broken promises and out of touch politicians: let’s make life better with the issues that matter to you.

Published by: Caplen, River Walk, Townhill Park, Southampton. SO18 2DP.




CHAFFEY, Nick - Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts

Southampton Tory Council have carried through horrendous cuts to jobs, services, pay, terms and conditions. They are prepared to go further and privatise what remains of council services. Youth services have been decimated alongside day care for the elderly and disabled. Opening hours at the Bitterne Walk-In centre have been cut. Schools are under threat of privatisation through the Academy programme.

We are told there is no money therefore “tough decisions” must be made. But this isn’t true. As the civil service union, PCS has pointed out, tax evasion by big business and the super-rich costs us £120 billion a year. On top of this a staggering £754 billion in cash lies in the bank reserves of big business.

There is nothing necessary or inevitable about these cuts. We campaign to oppose all cuts and ensure jobs, pay, pensions, benefits and services are protected. The Socialist Party successfully fought to stop the closure of Bitterne Walk-In Centre.

How do Labour differ? Ed Miliband said a future Labour government could not guarantee to reverse any cuts.

In Southampton Labour promise to make £13 million cuts if elected in May compared to the Tories £14 million cuts. Over the next two years a total of £34 million cuts. Unless a campaign is waged to win back money stolen by central government it is inevitable that Labour will carry out cuts to jobs and services, increase council tax and charges, extend privatisation or a mixture of all this.

Last year saw the largest demonstrations and strikes against cuts this city has seen in decades, with overwhelming public support. With Tory, LibDem and Labour all in agreement over making cuts, where does that leave those who oppose them? Disenfranchised.

The trade unions, all working people, the unemployed, youth and elderly need to stand together and refuse to pay for the crisis made by the banks.

It is around such a fighting programme that a united mass opposition can grow. This must include electing councillors who will oppose all cuts and campaign for the resources to fund the services this city needs.

The Trade Unionists and Socialist Coalition and the Socialist Party campaign for a budget to meet the needs of the city. A budget for jobs, pay, housing, education and social care fully funded by central government. Vote TUSC Against Cuts on May 3rd! A vote for anyone else is a vote for cuts.


Mike HolderHOLDER, Mike - Labour Party Candidate

My name is Mike Holder and I’m one of the two Labour candidates standing for Bitterne Park in May. Please note you have 2 votes in Bitterne Park this time.

Like my colleague and fellow candidate Frances Murphy, I’ve been involved in the past with social housing. I’ve also managed a busy and thriving community centre and have received the Mayor’s award for service to the community.

I’ve never stood before as a candidate for councillor, but in view of the current Conservative run council’s record in rubber –stamping a clearly anti working class government’s legislation, I’ve made the decision to stand and oppose Southampton’s elitist Conservative group.

When we had a Labour government I was impressed by the Southampton Labour councillors who, unlike the present Conservatives, accompanied tenants to lobby their own party in Parliament to change legislation and to improve the lives of both social tenants and other working class people- such as those who suffer from student houses of multiple occupation nuisance in some parts of the city.

We were successful in persuading the then Labour government to allow council home building, which is now happening. We also persuaded them to allow council tenant’s rent to be retained in the city’s Housing Revenue Account instead of nearly all of it going to central government. From now on we keep all our rental income to better maintain and improve our housing stock.

We were also successful in getting legislation that would have enabled local authorities to return student HMO areas to districts of desperately needed family homes. The Coalition repealed that one within days of coming to power, and before it could be used.

You have two votes in Bitterne Park this time, and those votes could make a big difference to the future of Southampton and Bitterne Park. Please make sure you use both your votes on 3rd May and vote for Frances Murphy, Labour, and for me, Mike Holder, Labour.

PS. Should you wish to know more about Labour’s policies and our ambitions for Southampton, have a look at our manifesto at



John InglisINGLIS, John - The Conservative Party Candidate

As one of the Conservative Candidates for Bitterne Park and I thought it would be useful to give you some information about myself.

After leaving school I worked for the Ministry of Defence, I was then employed as a civilian attached to HM Forces. During this time I worked in numerous countries and many locations in England. I first lived in Southampton from 1983 to 1987. I was also a regular visitor to the Navy Depot at Woolston during the 90’s.

I returned to Southampton in June 2000 to live and work opening my own business with 35 employees, and in 2007 my son took over the business.

I have always been interested in politics and I am keen to be involved in helping shape the future of our great city and working for the residents of Bitterne Park. I feel that considerable progress has been made in managing the city during the last 5 years and I hope that we can build upon that framework in the future.

I with Ivan White will be keen to try and reduce wasteful expenditure whilst maintaining all basic services.  The pensioners’ council tax discount, low council taxes and weekly bin collections are three very important issues that I will continue to fight for. I hope you will already have received a copy of our comprehensive newspaper and other leaflets, which should help fully explain our policies for Southampton’s future.

Policy Outline

  • Frozen Council tax for 2nd Year
  • Maintain Pensioner 10% Council Tax Discount
  • Keep weekly bin collections
  • Keep all Sure Start Centres
  • Keep improving school standards after years of decline
  • Massive injection of money into regenerating our estates
  • Building more housing than any other party has proposed


Compare our positive policies to other parties


For more information visit

Many thanks for allowing me to present this information.

John Inglis





Ann MacgillivrayMACGILLIVRAY, Ann - Independent

Link to Facebook page with YouTube video

My Heart in the Community

I have a BA (Hons) in Product Design with Marketing from Southampton Solent University

Bitterne Park – Townhill Park – Midanbury – Bitterne Manor

I grew up in the local area and went to the Bitterne Park Schools. I am also a long term resident. This gives me a genuine local interest not only in the built environment but also in the natural environment and the River Itchen. I have also run businesses in local property and transport tuition. I have an active interest in Art and Design in the community.

Community – As a local Independent Candidate and being quite well known in the area I will be someone that you feel you can turn to. With considerable experience of working with visually impaired and other disabled people in the community. I have an interest in local issues and have not been afraid to present your concerns and proposals through to the right channels in local government.

Environment – With knowledge and a keen interest in preserving and enhancing the historical architecture and character of built environment. As a Driving and Cycling Instructor in the area for over a decade and a river user for most of my life I have experience of the issues of the local transport network. Throughout my life in Bitterne Park I have explored and experienced all of the many green areas and the flora and fauna that they contain. I am keen that these free and open spaces shall remain as community assets for local people and visitors alike to enjoy.

Local Businesses – As a business owner in Bitterne Park I am very aware that businesses in the area serve the needs of the local community and also further afield.

Many of businesses in the area that do not have a shop front are often run as family and independent concerns by tradesmen, craftsmen and professionals.

I believe that local businesses underpin the economy of our community and that it is these businesses that will provide experience and employment for the next generations of school leavers. I believe that our future is in the hands of a practical skilled work force with new products and services in business as the way forward and out of our recession.


Name and Address of Printer and Publisher

Ann MacGillivray   annmacgillivray (at)




Frances MurphyMURPHY, Frances Mary - Labour Party Candidate

My name is Frances Murphy and I’m standing as a Labour candidate for Bitterne Park in May.

I’ve lived just off Meggeson Avenue for some years now and have been actively involved with social housing in Southampton for most of this time. I’m upset with the treatment of tenants of social and private landlords by the Conservative led governments Welfare Reform Act. It will allow the well off elderly to see out their days in the family home, while a state pensioner who relies on benefit to pay the rent will lose 25% of their benefit in a typical three bed home when their children have flown the nest. How many will be able to go on living in their family home in those circumstances?

The way the Localism Act takes away security of tenure from new council house tenants appals me, as does our Conservative council’s willingness to implement these backward changes. It means the council’s tenants are no longer allowed to think of their house as their home.

It’s worth pointing out that many of us living in homes we own have children and grandchildren who will find it harder to rent privately as the Welfare Reform Act will stop paying housing benefit directly to the landlord, which is something most private landlords insist on.

I’m involved with some local issues; on the steering group of the Townhill Park regeneration scheme and the interview panel for community workers funded by the Big Local amongst others. I am also involved with the Tenovus cancer charity and the Stroke Association.

Although I’ve been a member of the Labour party for some years, it’s only now that I see a need to stand as a Labour candidate. The reason for this is the abysmal Conservative council that is destroying the Southampton that I know and love, and the overwhelming need to get rid of them.

We in Bitterne Park have two votes in this election, vote YES for Mike Holder, Labour. And YES for me Frances Murphy, Labour to elect a council that’s on your side in these difficult times.

PS. If you need to know more about Labour’s policies and our ambition for Southampton, have a look at our manifesto at




READ, James Arnold - Liberal Democrats

James lives in Bitterne Park and has lived in Southampton for more 10 years.

James is an active campaigner and in the past few years has campaigned to improve roads & pavement repairs, to save the cheque book, for better play areas, against fluoride, against Post Office closures, for better public toilets, and against charging disabled drivers on Itchen Bridge.

James has recently moved into the ward and now wishes to focus his energies on helping the people of Bitterne Park.

He works for an insurance company and is a school governor at Ludlow School in Southampton. He is currently Chair of Southampton Liberal Democrats.

James is especially interested in education and environmental issues.







ROBINSON, Robbie - Liberal Democrats

I would like to point out to local electors that any thing that happens in government with the conservertives and liberal democrats does not always effect what happens in local elections.

My name is Robbie Robinson and I am the Liberal Democrat candidate for Bitterne Park, Midanbury,Bitterne manor and Townhill Park. I am chairman of Southampton Pensioners Forumand campaign for the rights of elderly people in this area,member of SLink and PPI public patients group for the NHS, Friends of riverside park.

My main aim at this local elections on May 3rd is to  improve the facilities provided for young people in the area. Having campaigned for years for a better Community Centre in Townhill park I now want the council to encourage better use of the centre. I would like to improve the woodmill crossing, in our survey done last year 95% replied to say they wanted to have traffic lights to improve the traffic flow across woodmill bridge. I would also encourage the council to step up its litter picking so it gives us a cleaner and healthier place to live in. I would also like the council to have a more vigouous campaign to clean up graffiti. I also feel that we need more recycling, neighbouring areas have doorstop glass collections not overflowing collection sites. So if you care about your local community don't lose your vote, vote for the party that can make a difference to the area that you live in



Cara SandysSANDYS, Cara Anne - Green Party

Tired of political infighting and disillusioned by the traditional parties?

Why not make a fresh start and Vote Green.

Cara Sandys helped set up Transition Southampton in 2008,  co-organising the Sustainable Homes Exhibition in 2010,  is an active member of Friends of the Earth,  founder  and lead volunteer of the Books for Free shop, now at the 3rd Age Centre, which has rescued and given away thousands of books to the public, a long standing panellist for the Council’s customer engagement group on waste and recycling, co-organiser of 3 Go Green Fairs, sole organiser of the 2011 bike and solar powered Grass is Greener Energy Show at the old Tyrell and Green site and campaigner for city centre businesses to switch off unnecessary lights overnight, as featured on BBC Radio Solent.

Cara is a successful artist, wholesaling her jewellery to numerous galleries in the UK. She is also a weekend presenter on local radio station Voice FM.

She believes it is important to preserve the unique character of Bitterne Park with its independent shops and green spaces at Riverside Park. A keen cyclist,  she would campaign for improved cycling routes, promote public transport,  seek improved security at Bitterne train station and lobby for greater bike storage on trains.

She would encourage growing of local produce, help set up land share schemes, assist those offering to pick fruit that would otherwise go to waste and try to establish regular produce swap events at Riverside Park.

Recognising the importance of strong local communities in creating a sense of belonging, Cara would look at setting up neighbourhood “sharehood” initiatives that enable people to swap stuff, borrow things and set up social events that encourage neighbours to become friends.

She would look into the potential for Woodmill to be used for a small scale hydro electric project using the principle of an Archimedes Screw.

She would facilitate the temporary use of empty shops for creative, artistic and charitable  purposes in the form of  “Pop Up” shops. With a keen interest in the use of old shipping containers for affordable community spaces, Cara would investigate the possibility of creating a local art centre and café made from containers to be sited at Riverside Park.

Don’t feel blue…or see red. The future’s bright, but it’s not orange!

For a better Bitterne Park, just Go Green!!



Ivan WhiteWHITE, Ivan William - The Conservative Party Candidate

I was born and educated in the City. In addition all my working life in electrical industry was spent in association with City.  Consequently I do not only have a good understand of the issues of the City but of the Bitterne Park Ward, which I have represented for 8 years.

In conjunction with my fellow Councillors I have supported improvements within the parks and open spaces and our fantastic library in Cobbett Road which without our support would have been closed by a previous administration.

I have worked hard to help the community to develop in the way it wants to grow and evolve plus assist residents fight contentious planning applications.

I with John Inglis will be keen to try and reduce wasteful expenditure whilst maintaining all basic services.  The pensioners’ council tax discount, low council taxes and weekly bin collections are three very important issues that I will continue to fight for. I hope you will already have received a copy of our comprehensive newspaper and other leaflets, which should help fully explain our policies for Southampton’s future.

Policy Outline

  • Frozen Council tax for 2nd Year
  • Maintain Pensioner Council Tax 10% Discount
  • Keep weekly bin collections
  • Keep all Sure Start Centres
  • Keep improving school standards after years of decline
  • Massive injection of money into regenerating our estates
  • Building more housing than any other party has proposed

Compare our positive policies to other parties


For more information visit

Many thanks for allowing me to present this information.

Ivan White


Thanks to the candidates for taking part. 

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