mobile phoneA new service will allow residents to send a text message to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour. It coincides with the launch of Southampton’s Respect Action Plan.



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The new Southampton City Council text service is designed to make it easier for people to report incidents of harassment, noise nuisance, vandalism, substance misuse or any intimidating behaviour. Incidents can be reported by texting 07797 877011 - it costs the same as a standard text message.

An automated response acknowledging the text message will be sent back, which will include the phone number where an operator can be reached.

Miriam Minty,
member of the Home Office Respect Task Force, is due to give a presentation on the national Respect Action Plan at the of Southampton’s Respect Action Plan.

If you prefer to ring, you can call the anti-social behaviour team on 023 8083 3988.


BBC News on Respect Action Plan

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