Southampton Folk Orchestra workshops - Bitterne Manor

Southampton Folk OrchestraA new folk orchestra for both beginners and experienced musicians is starting at Bitterne Manor Community Centre with a series of six workshops, culminating with a live performance in Romsey – writes Cath Watkins


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The orchestra will be starting up at Bitterne Manor Community Centre on Sunday mornings. It will run as a series of six workshops learning traditional tunes, many with connections to the local area. We will work out arrangements together and perform them live at Romsey Beggars Fair on July 14.

Southampton Folk Orchestra welcomes all players of acoustic instruments from confident experienced musicians to beginners even if you can only play a few notes! We’ll learn tunes and arrangements from music or by ear, whichever you prefer.  The workshops start on Sunday May 20 from 10:30am to 12:30pm and the cost is £42 full waged / £30 low waged for all six sessions. Full details and booking forms here.

Cath Watkins

Southampton Folk Orchestra

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