Sprucing up Deepdene

deepdene_painting_helicopterThe council and Friends of Deepdene held a workday to tidy up the open space that borders Cobden Avenue and Midanbury Lane - and are asking for input over new play equipment ideas.

Deepdene is a small park and woodland bordering Cobden Avenue and Midanbury lane. On Saturday 29th September the City held a workday with the volunteer Friends of Deepdene. We painted the helicopter, picked up the litter and partially cleared the pond to make a good environment for birds and amphibians. Thanks go to Ann, Paul, Polly and Rose from the friends, Ian and Nick from the Council and Chris from Groundwork Solent.


We also learnt that there is money available for new play equipment around the meadow; this will be discussed at out next meeting in Cobbett Road Library at 7p.m. on Monday, October 15. All are welcome, or look for further details on our website.

Denis Nicole


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