Audio: Celebrating 50 years of Riverside Park's miniature railway

first people to ride on miniature train pictured with mayor“There’s certain things about Southampton that are always Southampton; one’s the Bargate, and two’s this place; every child in the city must have come here at some time,” said Mayor Councillor Derek Burke, as he launched celebrations to mark 50 years of the miniature railway at Riverside Park. Listen now, or read more first...



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Our audio recorded on October 6, 2012 at the Southampton Society of Model Engineers' celebration of the railway line's 50th anniversary, includes an interview with the club chairman, and speeches from the mayor and the club president – as the first passengers to travel on the railway in 1962 who were tracked down via The Daily Echo, return for another trip 50 years on...

Use the YouTube player below to listen to interviews and speeches from the afternoon and see some photos.



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