MEPs vote to clip airlines'’ wings

Caroline LucasA vote in the European Parliament has called for a raft of measures, drafted by MEP Caroline Lucas (pictured), to tackle the growing contribution of airlines to climate change.

Euro-MPs in Strasbourg voted by 439 to 74 to adopt proposals to introduce a range of measures including an airlines-only CO2 Emissions Trading Scheme and emissions charges to tackle their non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions. There were 102 abstentions.

Dr Lucas told fellow MEPs the EU must take action to curb airlines' greenhouse gas emissions if we are to stand any chance of avoiding devastating climate change: “Doing nothing just isn't an option”.

Story in full here


Airlines ready for a dogfight over EU's plan for cleaner, greener skies  - Guardian, July 4

MEPs vote for tough action to curb pollution by airlines — Independent, July 5

The sky's not the limit - Caroline Lucas writing in the Guardian, July 5

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