Police: city crime falls by 16 per cent

Police say Southampton crime figures show an overall drop. This report is in their own words:


Annual crime figures released today for Southampton show an overall drop of 16.19 per cent.
In the year to March 31, 2012, 26,165 crimes were recorded in the city, compared to 21,929 in the year to March 31, 2013.
The biggest fall was in non-dwelling burglary:  down 24.62 per cent from 1665 to 1255.
The second biggest fall was in the category of serious violent crime – down 22.71 per cent from 207 to 160.  Assaults with less serious injury fell by 18.83 per cent, down from 2735 to 2220
Overall serious acquisitive crime fell by 17.82 per cent from 3508 to 3473.  Included in this category are theft of motor vehicles, down by 21.79 per cent from 569 to 445; theft from motor vehicles, down by 15.37 per cent from 1314 to 1112; robbery, down 20.85 per cent from 398 to 315, and house burglary, down 17.60 per cent from 1227 to 1011.
Anti-social behaviour saw a drop of 14.01 per cent, down from 17,839 to 15,339
Western Area Chief Superintendent David Thomas said:
“The latest crime figures for Southampton are very encouraging and reflect some outstanding work by all members of our Community Safety Partnership.  There has been a dramatic drop in the number of victims in the city, and we will be working hard to build on this success.”

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