TV quiz contestants sought

Nick Knowles Producers from TV quiz 'Perfection', hosted by popular DIY SOS presenter Nick Knowles (left )are looking for contestants from our area.
A team from the BBC1 daytime show will be in Southampton next week looking for people who would like to take part the next series.

If you haven’t seen it, Perfection is described as:

“An exciting true or false quiz show where contestants must achieve 100% accuracy to win a cash prize. Sort the fact from the fiction and the contestant will win. If they slip up they may have to rely on their co-players for help – but help comes at a cost. Are the co-players double bluffing to get their hands on some of the money? The contestant must decide who to trust.”

In February one contestant won £18,000.

The producers say: “We are looking for intelligent, competitive and charismatic personalities who would like to take part in the programme to complete and send us an application form as we shall be holding auditions in Southampton towards the end of May."

Potential contestants can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be sent an application form, or alternatively can write to Perfection Applications, G7 The Hub, Pacific Drive, Glasgow, G51 1EA.”

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