No more fruit & veg from the Farm

manor farm no more veg signFruit and veg will no longer be on sale from 'Manor Farm' at the Triangle from June 22, as the owner says he wants to concentrate on his busy Woolston greengrocery business.



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A sign in the window [which has now been removed 16/6/13] thanked "all that supported us".

manor farm shop front 460Owner Rob Martin told he'll still be taking fruit and veg delivery orders and fulfilling them via his Woolston shop, and that he intends to use the Bitterne Park premises for a "printing and marketing" business.

Lack of passing trade

Over the road, butcher Gary Wright recently decided to close one day a week to focus on deliveries because of the lack of passing Triangle trade (hear him talking about this here). And estate agents Thurman Rye have also shut up their Triangle shop, while Carringtons are "in the process of coming away from the office".

Thurman Rye with to let signNew enterprises

It's not all doom and gloom however: SOS Tools & Hardware recently opened at 25 Manor Farm Road; The Summit is adding to the eat-in international fare available at The Triangle on weekend evenings (Il Picchio's restaurant already offers Italian on Friday and Saturday nights); a licence is being sought for a micro pub in the former florist; and there is thought to have been interest, at the very least, in both the former pet shop and the vacant kitchen/bathroom showroom.

Meanwhile the Daily Echo reports that development is finally soon to start at the long-derelict boathouse off Cobden Bridge. McCarthy and Stone – who bought the site in 2007  – have got the go-ahead to create 51 sheltered housing flats.

manor farm no more veg sign

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