Council gears up for kerbside glass collections

bottles under CC2 by Aine DThe council will roll out a city-wide glass collection service, beginning this autumn with communal collection facilities for most living in flats, and then with a phased introduction for kerbside collections from houses next year.

Many local authorities already operate kerbside collections – figures from 2009* suggested around 50% in England – with varying success rates. Some local authorities also make other collections: for example Eastleigh Borough Council collects household batteries at the same time as glass, and also collects raw and cooked kitchen food waste – likely to improve the council’s recycling rate by preventing it going into landfill.

In Southampton, glass collections will be made on the same day as the blue-lidded recycling bin collections on a fortnightly basis, which the council says will help keep the operational costs of the new service to a minimum.

Collections will be funded by a three-year government grant, but the council hopes it will become self-funding through glass sales over the period.

• In April, the council introduced a £35 a year fee for residents opting in to its garden waste removal service - now available for £17.50 until the end of the year.

* Waste Management World


Pic under CC2 by Aine D


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