St Denys: artist in residence

Community CentreSouthampton-based artist Kate Grenyer will begin a residency at St. Denys Community Centre on September 11 until November 3.

Working closely with staff, local residents and users of the Centre, the project intends to de-mystify the work of contemporary artists, whilst promoting community centres and visual art practice in Southampton.

The John Hansard Gallery has been awarded a North Neighbourhood Partnership Development Fund (from Southampton City Council) to support the project, which is the first of its kind in Southampton, and sees the first ever partnership between the John Hansard Gallery and St. Denys Community Centre. It is envisaged that its success could ultimately help to develop other artist residencies in community centres across the city.

Art work created as a result of the residency will be exhibited in the John Hansard Gallery Education Room.

St. Denys Community Centre is located in Priory Road, St. Denys, Southampton, telephone: 023 8083 4542 / 023 8058 4486.  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Chair or Lettings Officer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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