It's World Mental Health Day on Thursday, October 10, and this year the Mental Health Foundation is raising awareness of positive mental health in later life.
The Mental Health Foundation (MHF) says it's a common misconception that mental health problems are a 'normal' aspect of ageing, when in fact people aged over 55 have greater life satisfaction than 25-54 year olds, according to Office of National Statistics figures.
The charity is challenging this assumption by informing people about key facts and figures on mental health in later life, providing a range of advice and information and sharing real life stories of older people living mentally healthily lives.
Toby Williamson, Head of Development and Later Life at MHF said: "There is a still a strong tendency among many people to associate old age very negatively, with a sense of it being a 'burden on society', something to be feared, and consisting primarily of an unpleasant combination of health conditions and problems.
"Prioritising physical health, positive social relationships and treating older people with respect are all protective factors for good mental health and it's important sometimes to take opportunities like this to be more celebratory about older people and what they continue to offer society."
To find out more and take part in World Mental Health Day, visit MHF 's Facebook page, follow them on Twitter, read their latest blog post and take a look at the World Federation for Mental Health's 'Mental Health and Older People' report, which recommends promoting active and healthy ageing.