Interested in researching your family tree? Genealogist Martyn Basford
is giving a talk on the resources he has used to compile his family
Martyn’s research took him beyond the usual family history records, e.g. census returns, parish records and street directories. He utilised a wide variety of records in his research, including documents that are normally used for local history.
If you are thinking of researching your family or are having trouble getting started, come along to the Civic Centre Lecture Theatre on Thursday October 19 at 7pm and find out how to do it from an expert.
You can research your Southampton ancestors in the local archives. Records like parish registers, property deeds, merchant seamen service and criminal records can be studied in Southampton City Council's Archives Service - it is open to the public Tuesdays to Fridays 9.30-4.30 (no need to make an appointment) and is in the south block of the Civic Centre.
To help those who cannot come during normal opening there is a late evening opening to 8.45pm once a month (you do need to book an appointment for this).
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