Witching hour at Winkle Street

Southampton City Council’s Museum of Archaeology in Winkle Street is running four Witches and Wizards workshops on Wednesday 25 and Thursday  October 26 from 10.30am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-3.30pm.

Children aged six years and over (under eights must be accompanied by an adult) will get to listen to spooky stories about Halloween, learn about magical potions, and make their own witch or wizard’s hat and a scary mask for only Ł4.50 per child.

Families can also discover the fascinating history of two of the city’s oldest buildings by attending guided tours of the Maritime Museum and the Museum of Archaeology on Tuesday 24 and Friday October 27 from 10am-noon or 1.00pm- 3.00pm. A family ticket (two adults and two children) costs only Ł6.00 or Ł3.00 per adult.

Please call 023 8063 5904 to book your place on the Witches and Wizards workshop or to attend one of the guided tours. Please meet outside the Maritime Museum five minutes prior to each event.

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