Kerbside glass collections from March

bottles under CC2 by Aine DSouthampton City Council introduces a new household glass collection service from March 17, and is announcing changes to weekly rubbish and recycling collection days from March 3.


Residents will receive a grey plastic box, delivered over six weeks from March 3, to use for their fortnightly glass collections, which will be on the same day as recycling collections. The box will include a leaflet explaining more about the scheme.

The council says the new service will help increase the recycling rate of the city, as every additional 1% of recycling we collect saves us £50,000 each year. It also says the service will be free to residents.

'Easier to recycle'

Councillor Jacqui Rayment, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, said: “This new service will make it easier for our residents to recycle glass bottles and jars and the changes to collection days will allow us to provide a more efficient and cost effective service. We really appreciate your efforts to recycle, and I would like to thank residents for their cooperation during this period.”

Batteries and food waste

We previously reported how many local authorities, as well as already operating glass recycling schemes, make other household collections too – for example batteries and food waste.

For more information on recycling in Southampton, check the city council’s website at

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