Police prepare for fireworks night

fireworkDid you know it’s an offence to set off fireworks after midnight on November 5 and after 11pm on any other night, excluding New Years Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali night?


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Hampshire Constabulary is urging people to be considerate to others and think about the laws surrounding fireworks.

What should be a festive event can be become a very miserable occasion for many people if fireworks are not used in the correct way.

The police say extra officers will be out and about across Hampshire during the firework and bonfire weekend (November 4 and 5) to reassure the public and to deal with any incidents which arise.

Hampshire Constabulary’s Head of Community Safety, Chief Superintendent Matthew Greening, said: “Bonfire night should be an enjoyable and safe occasion for everyone.

"However, people should remember that fireworks are not toys. It is illegal for anyone to set off or throw fireworks in the street.

“Fireworks can be extremely dangerous when misused and can cause serious injury and even death.

"We are urging people to be sensible and careful. We don’t want anyone hurt or distressed because of the stupidity of someone else’s behaviour with fireworks."

It is an offence to set off fireworks after midnight on November 5 and after 11pm on any other night, excluding New Years Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali night, and individuals found setting off fireworks at unsocial hours will be given an on-the-spot Ł80 fine.

Those who fail to pay the fine will face an increased fine of Ł120 and court action.

It is also illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase fireworks and sparklers, and anyone under the age of 18 caught possessing fireworks in a public place or throwing them in the street could also be fined.

Councillor Liz Mason, Southampton City Council Cabinet Member for Housing, Communities and Neighbourhoods, said: “The council’s City Patrol officers will once again join forces with Southampton police to combat anti-social behaviour during the Halloween and firework night festivities.

"Anyone wishing to report anti-social behaviour should call the Single Non Emergency Number, 101.  By showing consideration for others, everyone can enjoy this time of year.”

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