Bitterne Park students meet HRH The Prince of Wales

Students from Bitterne Park School were travelling to the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Stratford-upon-Avon home to meet HRH The Prince of Wales, the RSC’s President, on June 2.


The Prince of Wales was due to experience the work of the RSC’s Learning and Performance Network, which stretches throughout the country and involves over 400,000 students and their teachers. Each school works with the RSC and their local theatre to create the best experience of Shakespeare in the classroom and in performance for young people.

Nuffield theatre company partnered with Bitterne Park School and Nuffield Connect Associate Robin Belfield has been working with students on their project.

“It's great to join teachers and students from across the country to celebrate the partnership between schools and theatres,” he said. “This is a terrific project, championing quality teaching and performing of Shakespeare and I am proud of the work we have achieved with Bitterne Park.”

Bitterne Park School teacher Olivia Murphy said: “This day is a wonderful opportunity for Bitterne Park and our two year 9 students, Niamh Dowling and Katie Hutchings, to meet Prince Charles and share our experiences of this project.”

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