Plentiful bounty of plums promised at Plum Picknik

plums alan gibsonEver fancied foraging for your own fruit? How about learning which fruits and nuts are safe to pick and eat? Now’s your chance. This Friday (July 18) 'Urbane Forager' Alan Gibson is holding a free 'Foraging Picknik' in Avenue Park, Stoneham. Suitable for adults and families, a plentiful bounty of plums is promised, that can be eaten straight away, or taken home for pies, jam, chutney or wine.


Foraging is the search for wild fruit and nuts on public land, which can be picked, eaten, or taken home. Foraging can be lots of fun and is a great way for kids (and adults) to learn about nature, get outdoors and explore, and understand where our food comes from.

plums panfull alan gibsonWhat you need: if you have fruit pickers, do bring them along, but they are not necessary. A blanket, if you have one, can come in handy for collecting fruit when you shake tree branches. Don’t forget containers to carry the fruit home with you, and if it looks like rain, remember to bring an umbrella.

If you fancy giving foraging a go, meet in the Cricket Pitch Car Park, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh at 6pm on Friday, July 18.

You can find more details about the event on the Urbane Forager blog.

Rebecca Welton

Previously: Audio: the art of urbane foraging - Alan Gibson interviewed

plums alan gibson

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