Cobden Avenue post: first none’ll come, then a lot’ll

delayed cobden avenue postFollowing our earlier report of post delivery problems in Cobden Avenue, resident Mike Hall has now received a week’s worth of mail in one day. But where on earth has it been hiding?


Previously Mike told he’d had no regular post deliveries to his Cobden Avenue address since August 12. Not only had he been waiting for a letter from the tax office, but he needed to sort out his son’s college registration. His wife’s business was also being affected by the still unidentified postal delivery problem.


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Even a visit to Bitterne Manor Delivery Office had failed to solve the mystery of the missing mail.

The concern was also reflected by others living in the area: "I live in Cobden Avenue and also have had no post – and know of letters due. I've even sent a test letter to myself and someone in another area. Mine is still to arrive - but theirs came days ago!" said Sally Hipwell-Doe.

Fortunately it looks like Mike’s family have now received their delayed mail. Here's hoping regular deliveries resume as they should.

delayed cobden avenue post

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