Bitterne Parker

Bitterne Parker: Becky Bennett

Becky Bennett 460

Becky Bennett was born in Zambia in 1970 and came to the UK in 1976. She grew up in Highfield, studied Fine Art at Brighton University, and has used her art skills to run projects with lots of different groups of people as well as for “other creative shenanigans”. She's a mother, a wet plate collodion photographer, and is currently studying counselling and psychotherapy with Middlesex University.


The Qs & the As

What’s your link with Bitterne Park?

I've lived here since 2012 but have family members that have lived here for many years so I have felt connected to Bitterne Park for a long time. Moving here felt like coming home.

What’s your earliest memory of the area?

Visiting my sister for the first time in her new home and being taken aback by low flying planes! (Still it didn't put me off.)

How could the area be better?

I would love to see more shops that have a similar feel to those in the Lanes in Brighton.

What’s good about the wider city?

Lots of lovely trees

Southampton: points for improvement?

It would be great to see a stronger more visible creative community. I would like to see artists of all kinds encouraged and nurtured, lots of cheap studio spaces and cheap rent for shops. This I think would breathe more life and excitement in Southampton, and would allow it to develop a bigger, stronger creative identity which in turn I believe would attract interest and money.

What’s your passion in life?

Making tintypes! This a method of photography that dates from the 1850s. They look amazing and capture your soul!! (To see examples search for our Facebook page - Wild Aesthetic).

How do you put bread on your table?

I don't put much bread on the table. I'm currently studying and running my business Wild Aesthetic, which being in its infancy isn't making any money.

What has your career taught you?

Which one?! Trust your gut.

What really gets your goat?

The system of money and trade that we have adopted that is just so damaging to the earth and to most of the population of the planet.

How do you relax?

Beer, TV, dancing or chatting

What’s your favourite dish?


Which is your favourite pub?

At the moment, the Hop Inn or the Black Boy in Winchester

What are you drinking?

Decaf tea

What do you listen to?

Blues to electro.

Can you recommend a really good read?

No, I'm reading too many study books

What’s a great day out?

Southbourne beach/Fishermans Walk on a hot day with big waves on a body board.

What scares you?

Climate change

Tell us a secret

Secrets are bad unless to do with birthdays and nice surprises for people.

Tell us a joke

Did you hear about the film called Constipated? No? That's because it never came out!

Finally, what would be another great question for other Bitterne Parkers?

What's on your bucket list?

Thanks so much for taking part!

Becky's Wild Aesthetic Facebook page is here. She says she "runs Wild Aesthetic with her very talented business partner Angelia Ward-Brown".


Read about other Bitterne Parkers


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