Plan to build new Bitterne Park secondary school

expand bitterne park school sign2Bitterne Park School says it hopes to move into a completely new £20 million school, to be built on its existing site, by around 2018.
City council consultation web page

The plan is that when the new school has been built, current buildings will be demolished and replaced with playing fields.

According to the school’s website, the project is “partly as a result of a increase in school capacity locally, the poor condition of the fabric of the school buildings and the success of the school.”

Southampton City Council says the new school will allow Bitterne Park’s roll to rise from 1500 to 1800 pupils, and that the council needs to plan for more pupils who are already attending Southampton primary schools.


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Bitterne Park School missed out on development funding in 2010 when Labour’s Building Schools for the Future programme was scrapped by the then Conservative education secretary Michael Gove.

The secondary school will be one of 261 schools nationally to be redeveloped under the present government’s Priority School Build Programme.

Council consultation

Investigations are now taking place to assess design possibilities and locations for new buildings, and the council is conducting the first stage of a consultation until Monday, November 10. It says it will publish a full proposal in response to this by November 17, and then there will be a further consultation until December 15.

The council’s cabinet is expected to take a final decision on the idea in February 2015.

Details and links
Southampton City Council
City council consultation web page

Objections and comments can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to:
Bitterne Park School Expansion, School Organisation and Strategy Manager, Children and Families Service, Southampton City Council, Civic Centre (North), Southampton, SO14 7LY

Bitterne Park School
Blog about build programme on school’s website
“First in a number” of residents’ bulletins from the school (PDF download from school's website)

Consultations launched to expand Bitterne Park School and Sprinwell Special School - Hampshire Chronicle, Nov 6 2014


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