Couch film festival returns to Bitterne Park

couch_festRelax and watch some of the best new short films around as Couch Fest returns to Bitterne Park on Saturday, December 6.


Couch Fest features screenings of short films in people’s houses and in small venues all over the world, all on one day.

In Bitterne Park local media producer Tim O’Riordan has again organised Couch Fest at the Baptist Church Hall in Wellington Road SO18 1PH, which boasts a cozy capacity of just 50.

The screening at Bitterne Park presents a unique 90 minute family-friendly selection including Oscar nominated short Do I have to take care of everything?, Pink Helmet Posse, and more than 15 other “brilliant international short films” – many of which are still exclusively playing at some of the top film festivals in North America and Europe.

You can join Couch Fest Bitterne Park on Facebook or Eventbrite. Entry is free and doors open at 7pm – with tea, coffee and cake available.

See also: Bitterne Parker: Tim O’Riordan

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