Who wanted this, again?


Well, it has happened! Tesco are 'invading Bitterne Triangle'!

After months of waiting to see what would happen to the site of the old Shell Station, and then seeing demolition and commencement of work on the site, they finally put up a sign just before Christmas: a 'Tesco Express - Coming Soon'. This will, of course, impact on the Triangle. And the traffic around this area is absolutely intolerable at the best of times and Tescos are only going to compound the problem. If people feel strongly about the invasion of Tesco, then support the shops in the Triangle. I for one, out of protest, will not be using the new Tesco.

Carole Dennis



See also:

All change at the Triangle

Approval for new Cobden Avenue Store

Interesting links:


Tesco store changes are belatedly approved - Daily Echo

Giant denies "Tesco Town" - Daily Echo


Clone Town Britain news from the New Economics Foundation

Shop around for diverse high streets while you still can - Guardian

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