Police staff set to strike over pay on Monday

police sign2Update: Strike called off reports BBC
UNISON police staff members working in Hampshire will join other civilian colleagues in England and Wales taking part in a 24-hour strike on Monday (Dec 22).


Police workers want to re-open talks with employers over pay, and improve on a 1% offer. Community support officers, 999 call takers, fingerprint experts, and those working in a wide range of other support roles will take part in the strike, which starts at 00.01 hours on Monday (Dec 22).

It will be followed by four weeks of further action “short of strike action” in the new year, which will see staff refusing voluntary overtime.

“Police staff have been hit hard by the cost of living crisis. Since 2010, two years of pay freeze and a below inflation pay deal last year has seen the value of their pay decline by 13%,” said UNISON regional organiser Caroline Villiers.

“It is rare for police staff to take industrial action and the strike is a clear sign that they’ve had enough. For many of our members it will be the first time they have ever taken industrial action over pay. The last time police members struck in relation to pay was 25 years ago in 1989."

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