Audio: Cobbett Road Library - Author Ali gives hypnotic talk with serious message

Ali Sparkes hypnotising talk Cobbett2“If you don't fight and make a big fuss, then it's very very easy to shut you down.” So said award-winning children's author Ali Sparkes, concluding a fun talk for all ages at Cobbett Road for National Libraries Day on Saturday (Feb 7), that even involved a spot of 'hypnotic time travel' back to the 1970s!


Ali Sparkes hypnotising talk Cobbett2

Friends of Cobbett Road Library said 542 people went to the library on Saturday, many to hear local author Ali Sparkes' talk, which took in everything from reminiscences of growing up in the 70s, and how she went from struggling reader to professional writer, to tips on how to get published – and of course covering the importance of libraries and campaigning to save them.

Use the audio player below to hear her talking about the potential closure of Cobbett Road Library.

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Duration: 1 mins 20 secs

Ali Sparkes talk gasp



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