Veg Shed seeks support

veg shed opening dayThe team behind The Veg Shed, which now pops up at Bitterne Park Triangle weekly on Saturdays selling fresh fruit and veg, are looking for people to help it continue into the future because its founders can't sustain the time and commitment that's required, according to a Facebook post.


Due to the huge success of The Veg Shed we are now looking at ways to make the project sustainable longer term – we are looking for people who are interested in becoming part of The Veg Shed team to enable it to continue into the future,” says the post.

Rob, Judi, Loz and Dave have committed their time to set up the project and establish a fresh produce market in the triangle - it has been amazing to see it meet a need, to meet so many lovely local people, to support local traders and see the triangle begin to flourish and despite the hard work it has been very rewarding.

Sadly we cannot sustain the level of time and commitment this has taken and so are now looking for local people who are interested in helping to take this project forward and ensuring it continues - come on people, get involved - please send a personal message to The Veg Shed if you are interested or talk to one of us on a Saturday morning - we're looking forward to hearing from you.”

The Veg Shed started selling fruit and veg at the Triangle last September.

The Veg Shed on Facebook

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