Change of ownership at Triangle ice cream parlour

doras new ownersKevin and Andrea Rayner – pictured left with original owners Victoria and Darren Metcalfe – have taken over Triangle ice cream parlour Dora’s Cups & Cones, which first opened in April last year.


doras new owners

Dora's Cups & Cones is widely regarded as one of the innovative new businesses that are breathing new life into the Triangle.

cupsandcones signAndrea Rayner said that it had always been a dream to run a coffee shop, while Darren Metcalfe said he and Victoria were thrilled the business had been taken over by such lovely people.


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“We are so pleased with the success of establishing Dora's Cups & Cones and have had great fun building this business from scratch, with fantastic memories to cherish,” Darren told

“We are looking forward to spending time in the parlour at the other side of the counter, whilst we decide what adventures to embark on next!”

Before becoming Dora's Cups & Cones, pet shop Alphapet traded from the premises at 23 Manor Farm Road.

Previously: Bitterne Parker: Darren Metcalfe



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