Bitterne Parker

Bitterne Parker: Ann MacGillivray

ann macgillivray city photo
Ann MacGillivray's been a resident of Bitterne Park since 1962, and attended the local schools. She says that growing up beside the River Itchen and exploring the natural environment “gave her a taste for adventure”. She stood as an independent candidate in the 2014 local elections. Ann says she loves Bitterne Park and the surrounding areas, where she enjoys taking photographs, and many of her images are for sale in various forms in local outlets including Cups & Cones, The Butcher's Hook, Cobbett Road and Bitterne libraries, and via her website.


The Qs & the As

What’s your link with Bitterne Park?

I have lived here most of my life and run businesses at Bitterne Park Triangle as a driving instructor and landlady

What’s your earliest memory of the area?

Driving through the Townhill Park Farm along the road now known as Forest Hills Drive in my grandmother's Austin 7 car. I remember her telling me that the fields were soon to be a housing estate.

How could the area be better?

Preserving what is left of the natural environment with its various flora and fauna for the children of the future to experience and enjoy.

Tell us something we probably didn’t know already about Bitterne Park

The 'Manor Farm' wall has recently been rediscovered, giving Bitterne Park status as one of the remaining 'villages' of the City!

What’s good – or not so good – about the wider city?

Bitterne Park still has a 'community identity' and some elements of the wider city also have this. Unfortunately with more migration some parts of the city experience 'individual isolation'.

What’s your passion in life?

Social networking, and having many contacts in the area I enjoy generating networks and sharing goodwill amongst others for mutual benefit.

How do you put bread on your table?

With difficulty! Not everyone wants to pay for my skills; some people think that good ideas and skills come free! However the best thing that you can give someone else is 'knowledge'.

What has your career taught you?

To be polite, patient and considerate in your approach to people. This goes a long way.

What really gets your goat?

People who get close to you to gain advantage for themselves and then abuse you.

How do you relax?

I walk in the natural environment and think my way through any issues; this is a good way of solving problems and clearing your mind.

Which is your favourite pub?

I enjoy different pubs for different 'Seasons and Reasons': the real ales at The Butchers Hook; Dawn's food and beer at The Junction Inn; and good ale and talks at the South Western Arms. I occasionally pop in to the Hop Inn, Bitterne Park Hotel, The Station, and Bitterne Park Social Club, along with The Riverside Club, and enjoy the stone carving festivals and real ales at the square and compass at Worth Matravers in Dorset.

What are you drinking?

Real ales and occasionally red wine.

What do you listen to?

People, when I stop talking!

Can you recommend a really good read?

Technical and reference books about art and design along with The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy :-)


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What’s a great day out?

Exploring with my camera

What scares you?

Damage to the natural environment without consideration for the children of 'Our Future'.

What would you most like to change - in the world and in yourself?

The educational curriculum. The world is not just about numbers, profit and finance. To not be quite so soft hearted with people who do not deserve it!

What’s on your ‘bucket list’?

To visit Kentucky 'Blue Grass' Virginia in America and ride the horses there.

Tell us a joke

No, it may not be politically correct!

Finally, what would be another great question for other Bitterne Parkers?

How does your garden grow?

Thanks so much for taking part!

Ann's currently working on a new product range that she says “supports other artists and designers in the community” and would like these people to get in touch with her via her webste.

Tune in next time when another Bitterne Parker answers our searching questions. But before then, do you know a Bitterne Parker we really should feature? If so, please nominate them by emailing us using the contact form, and we'll do our best. No promises, mind.

Photograph © City Photographic, Bedford Place. Earings designed by Bitterne Parker Jacqueline Bromley.

Read about other Bitterne Parkers


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