Residents opposed to the Council’s proposal to shut down our community’s library are making excellent progress in spreading the word. But a little more help would be very much appreciated — and could make all the difference. So if you can spare half an hour or more over the next few days, then please click ‘read more’ now.
So far residents have been very successful in attracting media interest (we’ve had coverage in the Echo, on BBC Radio Solent and Wave 105), which all helps to raise general awareness about the issue. Residents also attended, and made representations, at tonight’s Council Cabinet meeting, as did our councillors.
Residents have been out and about, delivering leaflets through doors, talking to other members of the community and petitioning against library closure. As a result of this, large numbers of residents are taking the initiative and putting flyers up in their windows, telling their friends and objecting to the Council. The information about how to do this is here. Hopefully we will also see a good turnout for the key Cabinet meeting on Monday, March 5 at 3pm.
So far residents in Cobden Avenue, Cobbett Road, Bullar Road, Whitworth Road, Whitworth Crescent , Harcourt Road, Macnaughton Road, Newton Road, Coleson Road, Northfield Road, Bond Road, Glenfield Avenue, Manor Farm Road from the Triangle up to the social club on both sides, but not past Nursery Road, Rampart and Quayside Roads, Garfield Road, Athelstan Road, Sandringham Road and Dimond Road/Hill have either already received, or are in the process of receiving flyers.
Flyers have also been distributed to residents walking through Riverside Park, and to churchgoers. We understand that school classes at several local schools affected by the proposal have also been talking about the issue.
Despite all this, residents say it’s still surprising how many people are unaware of the Council’s plan. Virtually all are opposed to it when it’s explained.
So, if you can spare a little time and can help deliver leaflets in your street or nearby, even if it’s just for half an hour, then your help will be appreciated and make a difference: please get in touch with us, and we will forward your details and try to get you leaflets. Alternatively you can download our more basic version from the website and print it out yourself — but if you do this, please let us know where you’re delivering to avoid duplication. Don’t forget you can also download the petition from this site and collect signatures, but individual letters count for more, so we need to continue to encourage these.
To get in touch just use the contact form here, saying where and when you can help. Ideally please include your telephone number. Please don’t ring us on the website number regarding this, however.
Currently we know of 12 residents who are collecting signatures from their friends, neighbours and fellow library users. Campaigners expect this number to increase when they approach Bitterne Park businesses to carry copies of the flyers. Again, if you can help, you can download a copy of the petition immediately here, print it out and start getting more support.
Triangle on Saturday
There are also plans for more focused leafleting and petitioning in the Triangle this coming Saturday. If you’re able to help with this for an hour or so, working in teams, please let us know, saying when you’re available. This may also be continued the following weekend. Or you could try this somewhere else....
That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more updates!