Playground improvements coming at Deepdene

deepdene new playgroundImproved play facilities are on their way at Deepdene, the woodland and open space off Cobden Avenue.



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While some equipment will stay, there is also a new climbing frame/slide feature being installed - but not yet ready for use at the time of writing.

Councillor Jacqui Rayment, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, told

“The works currently being undertaken at Deepdene will provide state of the art playground equipment alongside a brand new access path over land that currently gets wet and marshy in the winter months. This will ensure local families can now enjoy the facilities throughout the year. This project is the part of our city-wide play delivery programme and was delivered in consultation with the Friends of Deepdene.”

In 2010 the council published a Deep Dene Management Plan covering up until 2015 (PDF 2.6MB), and there was a user survey in 2011, the results of which are still available as a .doc download from from this link.

One idea at that time was to remove the play area altogether in favour of "natural play throughout the woodland".

deepdene new playground

Previously (2010!)
Funding for Deep Dene improvements

Friends of Deepdene

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