Celebrating Southampton's women

March 8 2007 is International Women's Day. Southampton will be celebrating the diversity of local women by bringing them together and promoting what the city has to offer with a series of events, workshops and talks.

International Women's Day is an occasion marked by women's groups around the world when women from all continents come together to celebrate and look back at over nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

This year Southampton City Council secured government funding, and working in partnership with the Worker's Education Association (WEA), local groups and organisations, is putting on a series of events and activities organised by women for women.

Women will have the opportunity to meet and socialise with other women in the city in a safe and relaxed environment. There will be a variety of events that are sure to be of interest to all women - whatever their age, ability, culture, mobility, family circumstances, sexual orientation or workplace experience.

There will be performances, art, fashion, poetry, dance and sports and fitness alongside informative talks and workshops covering a variety of women`s issues.

Vanessa Shahani, Communities Manager said, "This is a great opportunity to celebrate women in Southampton, their strengths, diversity and lives. These events are a way of bringing women together to address some of their issues and raise awareness on what is happening locally."

For further details and an information leaflet contact Lepsa Stojkovic in the council`s Communities Team on 023 8083 2865 or email.

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