Locals from around Whitworth Crescent have formed a group - 'Triangle & Whit. Cres. Preservation Society' - to try to conserve the unique nature of the area, and oppose the latest bid to demolish number 74, 'Harcourt Mansions', and turn it into a block of 11 flats.

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You can view the planning application here.There is also a petition, which can be signed in Cotton’s bakers at the Triangle, calling on the council to protect this and other buildings in Whitworth Crescent, and to also protect the more beautiful shops in the Triangle.
For further information please contact Jason on 023 8034 2591 (8am - 10am), or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Here are some photos of Harcourt Mansions from the 90s, before the 'fence went up'! These include 'before and after' shots of the porch restoration.
Many thanks to Ann MacGillivray, who owns the copyright on these pictures.
See also:
Denham objects to Whitworth plans
Whitworth Crescent: concern over flats