Give your ideas to brighten up area

vanguard rd signCommunity group SO18 Big Local will be around the bottom of Vanguard Road and Witts Hill on Saturday (Dec 5) from 11am-1pm with Will, community artist, Aidan from Decent Neighbourhoods and Ian from the Hawthorns Centre.


The group is inviting locals to come and say hello, and have a go at making a mosaic with Will, or talk to Ian about getting involved in a gardening project.

SO18 Big Local is going to be working in this area with Decent Neighbourhoods in the New Year, and wants to hear your views on how the area can be brightened up: ideas already include some community artwork, and rejuvenating two areas of planting to allow local residents to grow vegetables and flowers, as well as Southampton City Council's plans to install a small play area.


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